Why Should You Formalize Your Strategic Marketing Plan?

Two women outlining the importance of marketing planning

In the same way that companies seek to understand the needs of their clients so that they can deliver the most useful solutions, the purpose of a Strategic Marketing Plan is to understand the goals of a company and prepare the company’s foundation for growth. That growth cannot, and will not, happen efficiently without internal […]

Social Media During a Pandemic

The pandemic has changed the way we work and communicate with one another. Some industries have been working from home, others are deemed essential, and everyone is spending more time on social media. Add on nationwide protests and constant coronavirus updates and we are more tethered to our screens than ever before. Engaging with your […]

Email Marketing Best Practices You Need in Your Battle Plan for Success

Email marketing is a cost effective tool in your arsenal to communicate your products and services to a wide range of consumers. Even so, if not done well you could be missing out on better ROI as well as wasting your time and money. In this article you will find email marketing best practices to […]

How to Improve Your Email Marketing Program in 6 Easy Steps

Email is still a valuable marketing channel, but most companies struggle with lists that aren’t performing as well as they would like. Often this is because the list is full of contacts that are several years old and have stopped engaging with emails. Conducting a re-engagement campaign is an easy and important way to keep […]

Why Gladiator Consulting Is A Better CMO Than I Will Ever Be

best fractional cmo team

There’s an old saying about being a “Jack of all trades, but a master of none.” I have come to find a slightly different saying to be more accurate: A Jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. Unknown The needs of small businesses are diverse […]